Cast of Characters

Much of my writing deals with my family. I’ve tried to use their pseudonyms consistently. Here’s what I’ve remembered- although this is by no means a complete family tree- just those folks that tend to appear in my writings.

The Queen Sometimes known as Mom-Girl. My partner in crime or (sometimes) nemesis. The perfect balance to my craziness. She keeps our family’s world turning on its axis. Seriously. There is no sarcasm in that statement. Thank the gods that She is here!

C-Dog My oldest son. In his early teens when I started writing this blog. Noticeably absent through most of the early period of posts in an attempt to give him the privacy that being a teenager really needs. I am equally impressed and frustrated by him. He is a fine young man.

The Noodle My middle son- just starting elementary school at the blog’s beginning. He wears glasses and is at turns sweet and stubborn. A slender baby- hence the name. He is inexplicably a basket ball fan! I know that he didn’t get that from me!

The Goon My youngest son- not yet in school when this all began. A chubby little baby that grew into a little bruiser- the Goon. Is smart and scheming in the way that youngest brothers master.

Papa aka the Pops. My father- he has lived with us for years. He delights in telling people that he lives in his son’s basement AKA Papatown but — to be fair — it’s a very NICE basement! My children are lucky to have a multi-generational family under one roof. Most American children aren’t.

I choose not to use my children’s names in my blog. While it takes only a few mouse clicks to figure out who I am, it is important to me that their names never map back to this blog. Especially since some of my writings share MY perspective on THEM. I hope that I’ve struck the right balance between my self-discovery and their privacy.